15 Best PPC Spy Tools That’ll Crush Your Competition

Best and demanding PPC spy tools will be discussed in this article. I was a sucker for spy toys when I was a kid. I also begged my mother to acquire everything that may make me feel like a secret agent. I was unstoppable despite using rearview sunglasses and password-protected diaries. My spy toys from Nickelodeon have also slowly faded away, much like invisible ink.

One item, though, has been constant across time. I still find being cunning and intelligent fascinating. Furthermore, even though I may no longer be perusing Toys “R” Us’ aisles (joking, I still go there once a week), I still find it quite valuable to be aware of what my PPC rivals’ covert spy adversaries are up to.


I won’t waste a lot of time, money, and effort trying to catch up to what they’re already doing if I can learn from them, after all.

The learning curve for both our own pay-per-click company and many of our clients is lowered by my obsession with spying.

Your spy skills will improve with these 28 tools. And there are three benefits to playing that game:

  1. Paid advertising has a 200% ROI rate, returning $2 for every $1 invested.
  2. PPC traffic results in 50% more conversions than traffic from organic content.
  3. Enjoyable.

You cunning spy, squint your eyes.

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Know Your Spying Objectives

By simply perusing the Google search results, you might assume that you are aware of who your main rivals are. But what about those who are successful with Facebook or the Display network?

Perhaps you spend $50,000 per month on Google Search while they spend $100,000 per month on just Google Display.

If that were the case, you would naturally be more interested in learning how they accomplish it than your search rival who is using the same phrases.

So, I hope.

Because this post will show you that it is not hip to target more keywords, spend more money, and increase search volume in this manner.

Finding brand-new sources, deals, and other gold mines that you had never thought of is incredibly great.

Knowing what you’re heading to do with your competitive data is also crucial.

Wearing your own clothing makes more sense than changing your entire strategy because a competitor is acting differently.

What if they have appealing traffic and landing pages, but their sales cycle and backend funnel are as complex and deep as the ocean?

Be the Titanic not you. Be respectful of what is beneath.

In order to strengthen your PPC approach, let’s look for other pockets of competition gold outside of the Google Search network.

Locate the PPC Competitors.

Google Ads is the largest PPC management platform available.

Let’s start with the Search Network as you are probably much more familiar with it than the Display Network.

Top 15 Best PPC Spy Tools That’ll Crush Your Competition In 2022

Top 15 Best PPC Spy Tools That’ll Crush Your Competition are explained here.

1. Google Ads account


There is a report called Auction Insights on your company’s Google Ads account. You should execute that report. To access Auction Insights, visit the main account tab. This will display all of your rivals at the account level. Also check backlink tools

You’ll get a list of the domains that are currently competing for the same keywords as you. It appears as follows:

After that, you can narrow your search by only choosing campaigns, ad groups, or keywords.

Keep in mind that the report just lists the rivals you are up against. There are far more rivals available if you are not running a nationwide campaign, according to the Auction Insights research.

Those cunning suckers are also out there.

To find PPC rivals who might have hid from your Auction Insights report, you should use a tool like iSpionage (more on this tool below).

Competitive Keyword Research

There are lengthy lists of previous, present, and potential marketers with your domain’s keywords.

In the aforementioned case, there are over 300 rivals. Pay attention to the ones with extra keywords that don’t match yours.

The PPC keywords of competitors are also found using other well-known tools like SpyFu and SEMrush.

2. SpyFu

Of the three keyword tools, SpyFu’s user interface (UI) is the most gorgeous. The rival Kombat Venn graphic is one of my favourite SpyFu features.

The Venn diagram can be clicked on to reveal keywords that a rival is bidding on but you are not.

3. SEMrush

Competitor keyword tracking is a feature that comes with SEMrush. Find out the keywords your rivals are bidding on, as well as information about Product Listing Ads (PLAs) and YouTube. This is another ppc spy tools.

Analysis of Paid and Organic Competitor Reach

Serpstat is another beneficial competition analysis tool that integrates paid and organic research. Because it offers keyword information and extremely relevant competition data, it is helpful for PPC marketers.

4. Serpstat

View the CPC for each of your keywords in Serpstat. View any associated keywords that the top-ranked domains on Google are also bidding on after that. This is a fantastic location to find profitable keyword opportunities (even if they come with high competition).

And there’s more.

Keep tabs on the performance and development of your rivals’ websites. Competitor website keyword maps are produced by Serpstat.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is used by marketing teams and PPC agencies to monitor ranking positions and the quantity of backlinks leading to their rivals.

View the advertising of competitors, the landing pages they employ, the words that are receiving bids, and more.

Look at the precise keywords that your competitors rank for in organic search, as well as the volume of traffic that each of them receives, in Ahrefs’ Organic Search Report. Ahrefs’ reporting is fairly thorough because they have information for 150 million keywords in the United States alone.

The Top Pages analysis identifies the pages that drive the most traffic to rival websites. The Content Gap feature of Ahrefs allows you to find the keywords that your rivals are ranking for but you are not.

You may gather a tonne of competitor data by using these tools.

However, how are your rivals faring on other PPC channels? And how do you use that intelligence wisely? Later, more on that.

Google Display Ads

One of my favourite areas to prospect for gold is the Google Ads Display network. Competitors on the Display Network, as opposed to the Search network, are quite inventive with their offers and funnels. This is another ppc spy tools.

Because visitors are dispersed throughout the various conversion cycle stages, advertisements must be creative in order to draw customers in.

Use third-party tools, such as those mentioned above, to discover which websites your rivals are using to display their adverts.

6. What Runs Where

For this information, WhatRunsWhere and similar tools ask for a domain:

By far, WhatRunsWhere offers the most comprehensive understanding of the sources of display traffic.

Additionally, through media outlets that Google does not access, such as Media Buy, AppNexus, and others, in addition to Google Ads.

Check the sources of traffic by digging further.

Direct placements can be exported to a spreadsheet and then imported into your own Display campaign.

Add another step to it.

Click on a Publisher website. This demonstrates which marketers place advertisements on those Publisher sites. From there, you can determine if they have any other placements you should aim for. This is another ppc spy tools. Also check tools services

You may view the banner advertising of your rivals and sort them in WhatRunsWhere using a metric called AdStrength.

AdStrength displays which banner (picture) advertising have been viewed most frequently, across a variety of places, and for the most time.

For the display network, more PPC spy tools

7. AdBeat

AdBeat provides expenditure amounts and trends on several advertising buying platforms outside of WhatRunsWhere (WRW). It is noteworthy that the interface is nicer than WRW. acceptable

8. MixRank

Check out MixRank if you promote mobile applications.

To split data by device and operating system, such as iOS and Android, enter the app directory.

Find leads and contact details for the important decision-makers who your rivals may already be aiming to reach.

9. SimilarWeb

Want to know what websites are out there that compete with the domain you’re looking for? So, hi there, SimilarWeb. Both social analytics and organic referral traffic are displayed by Similarweb.

For general PPC intelligence, this tool isn’t as effective as the other PPC spy tools. However, it is fantastic for compiling a list of rivals that we’ll utilise later. This is another ppc spy tools.

Free Network Spying Tool for Displays

Make use of MOAT, a free display ad spy tool, if spending money isn’t your thing.

10. MOAT

MOAT has a substantial library of image advertisements from major advertisers.

Although less comprehensive than WhatRunsWhere, MOAT reveals the locations where a particular advertisement was last viewed (placement).

Social Media PPC Spy Tools

You are aware that PPC traffic is not just generated by Google.

Facebook advertisements, Twitter ads, and LinkedIn ads all contribute significantly to PPC traffic. Don’t disregard any rivals who are taking advantage of those avenues.

Many businesses are curious about the new strategies their rivals are employing to increase traffic and conversions because sponsored content is on the massive PPC rise (advertising your blog pieces, for example).

11.Sprout Social (previously SimplyMeasured)

The fantastic social analytics platform Sprout Social focuses more on organic research than SEM ads. But it also performs some very cool social PPC tricks. This is another ppc spy tools.

For instance, Facebook is one of the most popular social PPC networks. (Have you heard of it? For Facebook pages, Sprout Social can evaluate paid and organic reach and segment engagement into standard advertisements, mobile-specific ads, and sponsored stories. Also check seo tools services

The desktop newsfeed, mobile newsfeed, sidebar, affinity networks, and other features are available to your rivals. It’s important to find out where they are investing their Facebook PPC budget.

12. Mention

What a great idea to change the negative connotation of the word “spy” into something positive: a mention. Audience, brand, and rival insights are all gathered in one place by Mention. You may track the web with Mention, listen to your audience, and examine an endless number of profiles. You can listen in on (or spy on!) the crucial conversations, keep tabs on more than 1 billion online sources each day (including blogs, forums, and the press), and find patterns via eavesdropping. The wordplay on this website is hilarious.

13.Fanpage Karma

With 600,000 users across 180 countries and more than 10 million accounts, Fanpage Karma claims to be the best social media manager available. Analyze your social media activities and those of your rivals in real-time (every ten minutes), paying close attention to every last detail (KPIs: number of fans, weekly growth, posts per day, post interaction, and reach per day). This is another ppc spy tools.

The name Fanpage Karma gives its lightning-quick responses to events, the Shitstorm Alert, might capture your notice (an immediate high activity alert when a competitor posts something).

14. SocialBakers

This is a complete social answer. By monitoring their content, you can learn what actions your rivals are taking on social media. Keep listening to see how their paid advertisements are performing. Additionally, you can find out what your neighbourhood thinks of your rivals.

15. Hootsuite

For publishing and scheduling social media posts, a lot of people utilise Hootsuite, which has been around for a while. Why? because it has successfully integrated with a wide variety of social media platforms. This is another ppc spy tools.

It’s more than just a scheduler, though.

Additionally, it can be used to produce social media analytics. These metrics let you know which of your content is performing the best and which is underperforming so you can make changes. Additionally, you can monitor what your rivals are doing.

Simply add a prominent figure from your niche as a social media stream, then use your dashboard to track their activity. The same is true when using particular keywords and hashtags.

How to Use Your New Spy Intel

Many individuals will advise you against imitating your rivals. The worry behind this advise is that it could not be effective for you. That may be the case, but here’s what I do instead:

Try employing the same promotions, layouts, and advertisements that your rivals do. Take their concepts and improve upon them.

And there’s one thing you have to be careful not to do: stand still.

Because while keeping track of things and feeling in control of the environment is great, using the data in a useful way is even better.

What to do following

Some points to remember are:

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