How Do I Prepare The Manuscript For Publishers?

You have finished your novel, you have corrected it and you want to present it to publishers. Here we leave you the steps to follow to prepare your manuscript.

The Elaboration Of The Manuscript

First of all, you should check the indications given by each publisher regarding the submission of manuscripts. Here we are going to provide you with general guides regarding how to write a manuscript, in case they do not indicate otherwise:

The Shipment

Once we have our manuscript prepared, we will send it to the publisher along with a cover letter and our CV in case we have a lot of relationship with the literary world, we give workshops, etc. It is very important to check whether the publisher prefers to send it by post or by email. If it is electronic, you must convert the file into PDF to avoid compatibility problems and the content is out of line.

The cover letter:

Nowadays, many publishers prefer that instead of sending the manuscript first, we send them an editorial proposal instead:

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