Complete Guide About Cross Browser Testing In 2024

Guide About Cross Browser Testing will be described in this article. Offering a flawless user experience is essential for businesses trying to stand out and keep clients in today’s cutthroat online market. According to a recent Salesforce survey, 73% of consumers give preference to companies that are aware of their requirements and expectations.

Ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices and browsers becomes a critical differentiator as businesses increasingly move their operations online and provide goods and services through websites and applications. Cross browser testing is essential in this situation since it enables companies to confirm that their website functions at its best on a variety of browser-device combinations.

Complete Guide About Cross Browser Testing In 2024

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In this article, you can know about Guide About Cross Browser Testing here are the details below;

With a commanding 63.45% market share, Google Chrome dominates the browser market. Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Samsung Internet are in close second. This variety emphasizes how crucial it is to conduct extensive cross-browser testing in order to find and fix any problems and provide a consistent user experience.

Cross Browser Testing: Definitions and Implementation

Insights on choosing browsers for testing your web application are provided in this article that digs into the importance of cross browser testing. We provide TestGrid, an end-to-end testing platform made to improve your testing efforts and guarantee peak performance across a variety of browser scenarios, if you’re looking for a complete cross-browser testing solution.

Every web browser on the market today uses a different rendering engine. There may be differences in the look and feel of your website when viewed in different browsers, which could lead to compatibility problems.

Before launching your website to the public, cross browser testing is used to find and fix these compatibility problems. This guarantees a smooth experience for users, irrespective of the browser they select.

Organizations can increase their reach, improve their reputation, and create a unique online presence by guaranteeing a uniform and optimized user experience.

What is Cross Browser Testing?

Cross browser testing, which involves testing websites on multiple browsers, makes sure that websites and web apps are compatible with all of them. It is essential for guaranteeing that every element—text and multimedia included—functions flawlessly and enhances the user experience.

Different browsers handle elements of websites differently, including scripts, pictures, CSS, and content. For example, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome may render CSS differently, which could affect the way the content is presented visually. Testing across different browsers becomes necessary to find and fix these differences.

This testing form falls under the non-functional testing category and is intended to confirm that website elements perform properly in different browser versions. It includes verifying that HTML, JavaScript, plugins, and design components appear and behave consistently in all browsers.

One type of non-functional testing called cross-browser testing lets you check whether your website works correctly on:

Cross browser testing enables businesses to deliver a consistent user experience across a constantly expanding range of browsers and devices.

Why It’s Essential To Test Website on Different browsers?

Understanding the various technologies that browsers employ to render websites is necessary to ensure the best possible user experience. Website browser testing becomes essential with the dominance of Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, and Chromium in the market.

Cross Browser testing serves two primary purposes:

  1. analyzing the way the code of a webpage changes for various browsers.
  2. swiftly locating and fixing bugs to improve the functionality of the website.

Many JavaScript implementations, missing CSS resets, font size-image orientation incompatibilities, absence of HTML5 support, inconsistent page alignment, layout incompatibility, and misalignment of frameworks or library versions are among the common errors found across browser testing. Before releasing your website or web application, you should test it on internet browsers to help resolve these problems.

The Significance Of Across Browsers Testing

It’s critical to comprehend how cross-browser testing affects your company from the standpoint of your customers. Imagine being enthusiastic about discovering a fresh e-commerce site. You use Google Chrome on your Dell laptop to view it, and while it looks exciting, you are disappointed to see that the text and photos are not aligned properly.

If the problems still exist, you as a client might try reloading the page and checking your WiFi connection. When faced with this, you can either visit a competitor’s website or use an other browser, such as Firefox or Edge. In the long run, the online retail platform suffers from the latter scenario.

the underlying reason? not carrying out cross-browser testing online. This testing aids in quickly identifying compatibility problems unique to a given browser. Without it, the platform was not aware that problems in the Windows operating system might be seen by Google Chrome.

Why does Google Chrome not support the same link that works in Mozilla Firefox? Although they adhere to the Open Web Standards, browser vendors interpret them differently. Every browser renders JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in a different way. It is imperative for web developers to ensure compatibility with various browsers or versions of the same browser to avoid losing clients because of functional problems with particular operating system-browser combinations.

5 Key Reasons: Why Website Cross Browser Testing Is a Must?

1. Ensuring Consistent User Experience (UX)

To ensure that website users receive the same experience across different browsers, devices, and operating systems, cross browser testing is essential.

2. Diverse Browser Handling

Browsers differ in how they manage programs, which causes differences in client parts. For example, the text-to-speech capability of Apple Safari is exclusive to macOS.

3. Evolving Web Technologies

The importance of ongoing cross browser testing is highlighted by the ever-changing environment of online technologies, including JavaScript and different frameworks like HTML, jQuery, JSON, XML, and ReactJS.

4. CSS Style Disparities

Different browsers may render CSS styles differently. Such disparities are found and fixed via cross-browser testing, which guarantees uniform visual display.

5. Stay Ahead or Lose to Competitors

Cross browser testing should not be ignored since it gives rivals an advantage. Prioritize cross-browser compatibility so as not to let clients down.

Let’s now explore the appropriate methodology for efficient cross browser testing.

How To Perform Cross Browser Testing?

Given the importance of cross browser testing in web development, it’s vital to comprehend how to implement it in accordance with your business needs. Your cross browser testing procedure must be guided by two important factors:

1. The Features You Are Testing

2. The Browsers You Are Selecting

Automated cross-browser testing shows up as a time-saving alternative to manual testing across different browser-OS combinations, which is difficult. Multiple test runs across several browsers are made possible by automated technologies such as TestGrid, which make the writing and execution of test scripts simple. Particularly noteworthy as a top cross browser testing platform is TestGrid, which guarantees compatibility with a wide range of browser, operating system, and device combinations.

To improve the caliber and effectiveness of your web development processes, create a cross browser testing strategy that is in line with your business goals and takes into account the insights offered.

What Aspects Are Evaluated Cross Browser Testing?

A variety of factors are assessed by cross browser testing, such as modifications to the user interface, fonts, colors, alignment, broken frames, overlapping content, input problems, and more. Since it is impossible to test every area, the QA team carefully considers important factors in accordance with delivery schedules, budgets, and testing scenarios.

Crucial Elements of Documentation for Cross-Browser Testing:

1. Design

In this feature, the testing teams verify that the layout, colors, font style, and size match the design team’s agreed standards. It guarantees that your website is in line with your brand’s colors and vision and helps to maintain a consistent experience across all browsers and devices.

2. Responsiveness

You can use this function to see if your device has different screen sizes and resolutions. For a seamless user experience, the material should be accessible and navigable regardless of the device your consumer is using to view it—a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

3. Accessibility

The testers for this feature have to make sure the website is usable by everyone, including those with disabilities. It checks to see if your website works with various devices and assistive technologies like keyboard navigation and screen readers. The guidelines for online content accessibility (WCAG) must be followed by all websites.

4. Basic Functionality

In order to ensure that your website functions as desired by the organization, you should lastly verify its basic operation. In this instance, you verify that all menus and dialog boxes function properly, input fields accept valid data, first-party cookies are handled correctly, and mobile touch input is flawless.

How Do You Determine Which Browser To Select For cross browser testing?

A sensible and economical technique is necessary to strategically identify the browsers for cross-browser testing. We test on every browser that is out there. It’s critical to focus testing efforts on the browsers that the target audience uses the most. Think about the following when choosing browsers and versions to test:

1. Based On Popularity

After a careful examination, make sure to include all browsers and operating systems that are pertinent to your intended audience. Next, select the top 10–20 automated testing tools available.

As previously mentioned, start by thinking about the most widely used browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Samsung Internet. It is as a result of their having the largest user base. The operating systems to take into consideration are Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, and Linux.

2. Based on User Traffic

Analyze the amount of users visiting your website with analytics programs such as Google Analytics. Sort the traffic based on the various devices and browsers. This breakdown gives you information about the devices and browser-OS combinations that your target audience prefers. Give top priority to testing these setups in order to guarantee the best compatibility and find and fix any problems before the website goes live.

4 Step Workflows For Cross Browser Testing:

Even though it is thought to take a lot of time, cross-browser testing can be handled successfully with appropriate planning. This four-step process guarantees a thorough testing strategy and guards against unforeseen problems:

1. Initial Planning

2. Development

3. Testing/Discovery

4. Fixes/Iteration

What Does Cross Browser Testing Involve?

Modern browser testing no longer relies solely on visual verification. It also involves evaluating the business logic connected to the browser and the code’s hidden features. The following must be guaranteed by the engineer doing the testing:

Common Problems with Cross Browser Testing which headaches for Testers:

Cross-browser problems are common among developers since different browsers implement HTML and CSS capabilities differently. Major browsers work together quite well, however there are about 500 other browsers, many of which don’t support specific functionalities natively. This presents a hurdle. In order to guarantee a consistent user experience across various platforms and browsers, testing becomes essential.

Since it is not feasible to manually test every possible combination of platform and browser, online technologies that enable on-demand cloud testing are used. Benefits from these tools include the ability to choose from a variety of browser and operating system combinations, problem detection, detailed report generation, and integration with CI/CD systems. It is advised to use tools that allow for in-sprint testing of feature-specific components for websites with heavy traffic that are trying to scale. To make sure a tool is in line with particular testing requirements, it is crucial to comprehend its features before selecting one.

Most Essential Features a Cross-Browser Testing Tool Must have?

A dependable tool for evaluating cross-browser compatibility is necessary to guarantee a smooth user experience on different devices and browsers. The following are some essential characteristics of such a tool to consider:

When choosing a cross-browser compatibility testing tool, take these elements into account to improve your testing procedure and provide the best possible user experience across multiple platforms.

Why Do You Need to Automate Cross Browser Testing and How to Do it Right?

With so many advantages, automated cross browser testing is an essential practice for the testing community. It allows for continuous delivery by improving bug detection and saving time. The delivery pipeline benefits from browser testing taking less time to complete. Take the following five actions to effectively automate cross-browser testing:


Determine the elements to be tested and the browsers to use for compatibility testing before creating efficient test cases.


Create a plan of action that includes various test cases for every browser. To ensure robustness, run parallel tests across hundreds of browser and OS platform combinations.


Assist agile and DevOps teams in maintaining application quality through continuous delivery techniques by integrating CI/CD tools. Also check Employee Survey Tools


Get thorough test results and bug information, and analyze each test environment’s results separately. Create dynamic reports using screenshots, video recordings, text logs, and other data.


Utilize automated systems to report, classify, and troubleshoot found faults for quicker resolution. This methodology optimizes the testing procedure and enhances the effectiveness of the development cycle.

What is Cloud-Based Cross Browser Testing?

Testing websites on remote, virtual or physical devices hosted in the cloud is known as cloud-based cross browser testing. With this method, users may manage and execute tests across several browsers and devices without the need to establish and manage an extensive internal testing infrastructure.

Updating an on-premise testing environment gets difficult with the regular release of new browser versions and the rise of privacy-focused browsers. This problem is solved by cloud-based cross-browser testing, which offers on-demand access to a range of browsers and devices and enables thorough and effective testing.

This technique is very useful for testing websites on the newest browsers, such as browsers built into mobile devices and privacy browsers like Duck-Duck-Go and Brave. A rapid, scalable, and affordable way to make sure websites are optimized for a variety of browsers and devices is through cloud-based testing services.

Why Go For Cloud-Based Cross Browser Testing?

Choosing cloud-based cross browser testing has a number of benefits.


Infrastructure setup and physical device costs are completely free up front. There is no need for complicated installs in order for users to access the testing platform.


Cloud-based testing is quick, enabling users to quickly move between operating systems and browsers. Tests can be carried out easily, and the findings may be accessed quickly.


Compatibility with other automation frameworks, such as Selenium, is guaranteed by cloud-based testing. It makes collaborating on code and automating tests on distant systems easier.


Cloud-based cross-browser testing is readily scalable. It adjusts to the needs of the website and the scope of the project, enabling flexible cross-device testing.


Project teams can communicate more effectively thanks to cloud-based solutions. It becomes simple to share screenshots, comments, and project assets, which promotes cooperation between the testing, DevOps, and development teams.

Best Cross Browser Testing Tools:

One of the well-liked cross browser testing tools, such as TestGrid, TestComplete, LambdaTest, SeleniumBox, and Browser Shots, is a good choice for thorough browser testing. Also check b2b sales tools

Every tool has its own set of capabilities. For example, TestGrid offers distinct End-to-End Cloud and On-Prem Testing Solutions to meet all testing-related needs. TestComplete offers user-friendly automation, while LambdaTest delivers cloud-based testing. While Browser Shots offers a free and open-source method of taking screenshots of different browsers, SeleniumBox concentrates on enterprise-grade solutions with on-premises or private cloud choices.

Visit our comprehensive blog on cross browser testing tools for a complete comparison of various tools and help selecting the best one for your requirements.

Why should you use TestGrid as Your Cross-Browser Testing Tool?

TestGrid: Elevating Cross-Browser Testing to the Next Level

TestGrid provides a strong cross-browser compatibility testing solution, tackling the difficulties web developers encounter in making sure their code functions properly in a variety of browsers. Here are some salient characteristics and justifications for TestGrid:

TestGrid Features

TestGrid enables users to save time and effort by adding many environments to their testing suite and enabling parallel testing.

Support for Continuous Integration: TestGrid easily interfaces with well-known CI/CD tools, enabling continuous integration throughout the development process.

Strong reports Capabilities: Users can obtain insights into test results with the platform’s robust test analytics and customisable reports.

Scalability: TestGrid ensures compatibility with updated browser and operating system versions, removing worries about expanding testing infrastructure according to requirements.

Easy Coding: Those without a great deal of coding experience can nonetheless develop automation scripts in plain English using keyword-driven syntax.

How to Enable Cross Browser Testing With TestGrid:

Sign In: Enter your login information to access your TestGrid account.

To access the test cases, navigate to the Smoke Test section.

Select Test Case: Decide which particular test case to execute.

Run Test: To start a fresh test run, click the Run button.

Enter Website URL: In the “New Test Run” window, enter the URL of your website.

Select Devices: Choose the browsers that you wish to use to take the test. Tests can be done either in parallel or serially.

Start Test: To begin the testing procedure, click the Run Test button.

Check Results: Examine the test case execution summary in the Build Summary once the test has finished.


Finally, in order to avoid user experience problems and possible economic losses, comprehensive cross browser testing is essential for the construction of successful websites and online apps. Selecting the best testing solution is crucial, and TestGrid stands out for its customized integrations, scriptless automation, easy-to-use interface, and reliable reporting. TestGrid ensures cost-effective, timely releases and improved customer satisfaction by optimizing testing procedures. TestGrid is a dependable option for companies starting their software testing journey, providing maximum performance in the competitive digital market.

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